Saturday, May 30, 2015

18 weeks

18 weeks is here! I can't believe how fast time is going and soon I will be half way done. At weeks I am noticing more swelling, more baby movements and flutters turning to recognizable kicks. Hear rate remains to be in the 140s. 

I love using my at home doppler to hear the heartbeat once in a while. Sullivan and Mike hopped into bed one day and it was neat having Sullivan hear the baby's heart beat. We continue to talk to him almost daily about either him being a big brother or the new baby arrive this year. I don't think he knows what's going to happen in the fall, I'm not even sure I know what's all going to change but know matter what our family will grow, learn and he's going to be a great helper and big brother.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Summer Lovin

We are loving this weather! Sunny, high 70s to low 80s and beautiful. The kind of weather that always makes me wish I had summers off. 

Since I don't, we've been making the most of our nights. Playing in the yard, blowing bubbles, cleaning the garden, going to parks, and taking scenic drives in neighborhoods. 

Tonight we grabbed dinner at Pita Pit and ventured to a nearby park to eat and play before it rains. This park is familiar to us but we've never stopped to check it out. With one thing on my bucket list this year being to try out 3 new parks, I figured this was a good one to start. Sullivan had a blast, until he had to go potty. Lesson learned, no more parks without a potty. Oh well it was fun even for a short while. We will be back soon! 

In other news, we had a busy Memorial Day weekend. We spent time cleaning, going out on an adult date night, and seeing family. Sullivan went back home to grandma's for a few days alone and loved it. I think he's asked almost every day since if we are going to see grandma again soon. 

For more updates:
  • My garden is off to a great start, growing like crazy!
  • Sullivan has successfully completed potty training. We hit it strong a while ago and have always managed to stay dry during the day, but nights were tough. Especially since a little boy is always hungry and thirsty before bed. So for the last 5 nights in a row we have been dry threw the night. Last night he even got up in the middle of the night to go potty all by himself. We are getting more and more closer to have a cool new bed!
  • I'm 17 weeks and 5 days pregnant today and my feet are blowing up. It's not even that hot out and summer is still a ways away and my ankles and feet are getting puffy and tight. I will spare you the pictures, but let me tell you, it's not comfortable. Hoping I can figure a way to contain the swelling. 

May is ending and June is approaching. Coming in June we "hopefully" get to find out if our little baby cooking is a boy or girl. I can't wait! Looking forward to a busy summer, more house prepping for baby 2, farmers markets, road trips, a sweaty and sticky little boy who smells of ice cream and sunscreen. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

16 weeks!!

I've passed 16 weeks, moving right along to 17. Time is picking up and in less than a month we have another ultrasound and hopefully find out if baby # 2 is a boy or girl! We can't wait. Please make sure if you haven't already, cast your vote on what you think baby#2 is. (Voting is on the right side of my blog. This voting doesn't show up in the emails or the mobile version, you must click web version or view on a computer.)

At 16 weeks, Baby Nelson #2 is growing hair and eyelashes, is the size of an avocado, and can finally hear my voice. We read a ton to Sullivan before he was born and plan to do the same with this little sprout. I'm feeling more movement although it's not consistent, just little flutters. We talk about baby a lot around Sullivan. I know he will be an excellent big brother, but at the same time, we want to make sure his life will be changing into a big brother role and not an only child anymore.

Looking forward to a long Memorial Day weekend. Especially to spend time all day on Friday with this crazy cowboy!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Wonderful Life

It has been a good weekend! I love the weekends. I love spending time with my family and I love being home with my boys. We started off our weekend as the usual- cleaning and running errands. Saturday afternoon greeted us with some visitors. Mike's nephew Ethan and his girlfriend Kim came to visit. It was so wonderful talking and catching up with them and meeting Kim. Sullivan was shy (or at least acting that way) but then he warmed up and was having a ball. 

Sunday, Mother's Day, I decided to do what I wanted. As much as I would have loved seeing family, travel is something I didn't want. I want a low key day with no plans and to sit and enjoy my family. We lounged in pajamas all morning, reading books, working on our alphabet letters, playing with toys, watching cartoons and eating a yummy breakfast. Sullivan has requested to paint all weekend. I happened to come across a bird feeder house in the dollar section at Target and knew it would be perfect. So late Sunday morning we let him paint his little heart out. Boy does this kid sure love his arts and crafts, I wonder where he gets that from??

Sunday evening was a treat. We went out for dinner to HuHot and got myself a cilantro plant. To top this day off even more, baby #2 treated me to a wonderful Mother's day gift. For the first time I heard he/she's heartbeat with our at home doppler. Pure contentment and happiness here. Life is good. 

Happy Mother's Day moms! I am blessed to be surrounded by the best. I couldn't think of a better mom, sisters, mother-in-law and wonderful friends who are mommas. It's a wonderful gift that I hope anyone who wants this role in life is blessed with it. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

14 Weeks

This weekend I hit the 14 week mark. The pregnancy so far has gone fast but yet slow, does that make sense? On one hand I can't believe I'm already 14 weeks but on the other I'm like, come on 20 weeks, lets get here!

For some reason this pregnancy I'm a worrier. With Sullivan once I reached the 12 week mark I felt I was over the hump and I could breath easier. This pregnancy I can't wait for the next appointment to hear my little. I look forward to constant kicks, hiccups and all things that tell me everything is okay. 

At 14 weeks the baby can frown, move and suck their thumb. The baby continues to grow and develop. 

Remember to cast your vote on the gender! Poll is open until b-day or whenever we cave and find out the sex. (Voting buttons are on the right side of my page!! We love seeing your guesses.)


Can you believe it's May already, this year is flying by! We had picture perfect weather this past weekend so we spent most of it outside. Sullivan and I took a trip north to hang out at my parents and family while Mike went to his first Iowa City Farmers Market. 

My parents had some excitement this weekend and I knew Sullivan would love it. Big machines, lots of guys working and cement. Bright and early Saturday morning, cement trucks lined the streets to fill my parents new driveway. We observed from inside the garage with strict orders not to get too close. As carefree as Sullivan is, I was sure we'd have a dip in the "mud," luckily our pep talks worked and we had no accidents. 

This next picture needs further explanation. A few fixes at the end in some hard to reach areas lead to this. Creative minds at work on how to reach the middle of the driveway without ruining everything else, boy was it a nail bitter!

Sunday continued to be beautiful so in the afternoon we spend our time outside again. We planted flowers in planters and got the garden in. This year I'm attempting green beans, tomatoes, spinach, cilantro, and beets. Crossing my fingers that the squirrels stay out. We've already had issues with them. Better up the garden security.  

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