Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Weekend Recap and V-day Treats

Sullivan will be celebrating his first Valentine's Day in two days. In preparation for "love" day, we made treats for his teachers and friends at daycare. I think for the first couple of years I will be more excited about Valentine's Day than Sullivan. I love creating valentines for special people. My ideas for this year's treats were found from pinterest.

I "chews" you, for all his friends at daycare. I loved this ideas because he is in the infant room and I wanted something for them to enjoy since they are not old enough for candy or treats.

To a Pop-pop-popular teacher. Love this idea as well. I'm sure all his teachers will love it to. It's a popcorn container with a package of bubblegum, bag of popcorn and a soda pop, strawberry crush:) 

I spent the weekend, with the help of Mike, making these Valentine's and preparing meals. I love prepping ahead of time, it not only gives me more time on the weekday nights to spend with Sullivan, it also is easier with clean up and getting food on the table before 7:00. 

I am getting pretty good at using my babyfood maker. I made a batch of organic butternut squash, organic chicken with rosemary, spinach, and green beans. This kid loves his meats. He actually cries so hard at night when the turkey or chicken is all gone that tears run down his chubby cheeks. The chicken rosemary is his favorite. The green beans....well.....not so much. I tried to go the easy way out and use a bag of frozen green beans. We tried them tonight and he pretty much gag them down. I bet fresh or canned green beans would be better. I am collecting quite the stash of food for him in my freezer.

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