Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fall is coming, Fall is coming!

I've been loving these cooler temps lately. Although I don't think summer is quite over yet, we are seeing more cooler temps then hot ones. This past weekend was perfect. We had great temperatures, rain which we've needed so bad, and football and farmers market. 

Sullivan and I had a special treat this weekend. Mike has been busy this summer going to Newbo Market in Cedar Rapids almost every Saturday we don't have something going on. This weekend was a treat because he stayed home to spend it with us AND we had nothing going on! We enjoyed the morning wake up and lounging around, then having breakfast and hitting farmers market. It was a quieter market but we still got some good. Took a stroll on Main Street, then headed to Kohls and Younkers. We got home just in time before Mike's parents came for a visit.

It so great to spend time with family and for Sullivan to see his grandparents. They definitely treated us. Lorimer and Sandy brought us lunch, mums and a Cozy Coupe. Yes, Sullivan is very fond of the Cozy Coupe ever since hanging out at the Merrills'. After he had his afternoon nap, we took it out and let him loose. The verdict: he loves it! I can't even tell you how many times he gone in and out, in and out of the car since receiving it. We had a wonderful time spending time with Lorimer and Sandy. Thanks for coming to visit us!

On Sunday we headed to church, ate lunch took naps, and watched football. Sounds like a pretty perfect fall Sunday. The only thing better would have been chili in the crock pot. 

Before dinner I took Sullivan to a cute little playground at a church nearby our house. It was a cool but still nice out and Sullivan loves the outdoors. I'm not sure what we are going to do in the winter, because this boy needs to get out and run around a little each day. 

Now back to the work week, they been a doozy lately! Hoping your week is great.

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