Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer Fun

It's been great weather in Iowa this weekend. Despite being a little too hot and humid yesterday, today is a gorgeous sunny day. This week looks pretty awesome as well.

While Mike headed over to sell shirts at Newbo Market this weekend, Sullivan and I made the most of our Saturday. We laid low in the morning with snuggles, Mickey Mouse and pj's. After the house was clean we got ready and headed out to run a few errands, then back to the house for lunch and little nap.

Mike and I had big plans for the evening, we were headed out on a date. It's not too often we get to go out just the two of us. So far in Sullivan's lifetime, we've only had my family watch him when we go back home or one of my good friends in town. Needles to say, it's sad that our actual dates can be counted on one hand in the last two years. We've been talking about hiring an actual babysitter for over a year but it's really hard for us when we don't know too many people in town. One of Mike's former coworkers has a daughter in high school who does a lot of babysitting. She seemed perfect for the job and Sullivan also had some time to warm up to her when we went over to their house for dinner a month ago.

Mike and I chose to go one of our most favorite places in town and it did not disappoint. I love the Montage and highly recommend it to anyone looking to have a nice dinner. Beef brisket for me, steak and goat cheese risotto for him and shrimp spring rolls for an appetizer. It was fun dressing up and taking our time eating a good meal. Of course we talked about the two things we always talk about....Sullivan and Red Piglet. At first time seemed to go by really slow but then toward the end, before we headed back home, it seemed like we could stay out a little longer. We were only gone for a couple of hours. We wanted to ease into this and 2 hours seemed like just enough time for Sullivan to have some fun with Maggie and us to have a nice, quiet and fantastic meal.

Today, we've had family time. Sunday our usually our day to all be together. With working all week long and Mike at either Newbo or Farmer's Market until Saturday afternoons, it seems like our family time for the three of us runs short sometimes. Time slips away and before we know it, our little baby is now two! We need to soak him up before he gets too big on us. So today we watched morning cartoons, ate a yummy breakfast that daddy made and took a trip to Waterloo. We picked up more grass seed at Menards and got a kiddie pool at Toys R Us. Home for a quick lunch and then out to the pool. The water was cold but Sullivan didn't care. He had a blast with the little built in slide, water hose and throwing the football around with daddy. I pulled weeds in my garden and then joined in. Life is good!

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