Thursday, November 12, 2015

41 weeks, welcome Jett!

On Saturday I hit the 41 week mark. I knew I would despite everyone saying "you'll go on your own this time." My induction was set weeks in advance for this ending date and although a part of me wanted to believe everyone including the doctors that there was an actual chance of me going on my own, I got induced Saturday morning starting at 7:30 am. 

The end result on Sunday morning at 4:42 am was a beautiful 8 pound 9 ounce baby boy. Jett Linus entered this world perfectly! This delivery was much smoother than Sullivan. Unlike Sullivan, I felt contraction until I was ready for pain relief, and for the most part I was able to have control. Jett cooperated and was willing to be born unlike his stubborn older brother. The labor experience was beautiful and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. The doctors and staff at Iowa Hospital were amazing! We had an excellent delivery doctor and a nurse that was with us for most of the induction process and delivery. She even came back the next day to be our nurse for our first night.

Jett is the perfect missing piece to our little family. He's quiet, calm and alert. So far he's been fairly relaxed only fusing when cold (at diaper changing) and when he's hungry. I hope that continues for us, especially at nights. 

We are blessed with another perfect little boy. I can't wait to see what he becomes in his life. I can already see bits of his personality and look forward to him growing, developing and changing. I just hope it doesn't go too fast! 

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